The Instructor Team

About us


Juan Morilla Romero
Juan is originally from Sevilla, Spain. He is a doctoral student of the Spanish program at Indiana University. He likes sports in general, but is especially passionate of soccer, basketball, and tennis. He also loves playing chess and running. He will be teaching literature. 


Jessica Jacques
Originally from New Hampshire, Jessica is a doctoral student studying medieval and early modern Spanish literature at Indiana University. She loves art, cooking, outdoor activities and reading books on the beach. She looks forward to adventuring with IUHFLP students this summer. She will be teaching grammar. 

Aline Xavier
Aline is from Brasilia, Brazil. She is pursuing her graduate degree in Spanish and Portuguese at IU Bloomington. She is a returning instructor to Ciudad Real and is excited to explore Spain with students this summer. She will be teaching culture.


Matthew Pollock
A speaker of English, Spanish and German, Matthew is from Daytona Beach, Florida. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Linguistics and Hispanic Linguistics at IU Bloomington. He enjoys board games, science fiction and travel. He will be teaching linguistics.