Monday 6/11: Diving into support and success groups

Our first Monday in Ciudad Real!

Things have been so busy the last few afternoons that I haven't had a chance to update until now! The main item on the docket today (although a bit belated) will be the first meeting of support and success groups early (9:30 am!!) Monday morning  -- groups of eight to nine met with instructors to talk about the weekend and how well they were acclimating to their new lives in Spain.


The first item on the agenda was to pass around the number for our new Spanish dumb-phones, to make sure everyone could keep in touch with each other both in the city, and while excursions.

Everyone gathered around Juan!


 Then it was time to enter the classrooms and begin the support groups, after which we transitioned into our regular class schedule.

Aline's group.

Jessica's group.

Juan's group.

Upcoming: over the weekend, I will post an update talking about our most exciting day this week, Wednesday 6/13. We started out with sports in the morning, met up with an English class to talk about American culture (in Spanish of course), and then met up in the evening in the sports area to chat about astronomy and look at Jupiter through telescopes.